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Combination, caching, transport, recycling and disposal of hazardous wastes needs to manage and trading and private infrastructure.

The company owns the legal license from the Ministry of Environment for the collection and transportation of hazardous waste as the first company in Jordan in this area.
The city’s green waste management company and a leader in the field of integrated environmental management to offer a full service in the management and handling of hazardous waste in accordance with the legislation of local and international legal regulations related and in coordination with the concerned government authorities.

The company believes necessary to accommodate the temporary assembly and initial processing of hazardous waste to help the hazardous waste producers and which they find it difficult to deal with infrastructure where we can provide containers and boxes of appropriate storage for each material by the degree of seriousness and classify chemical and physical, as well as the treatment of this waste pretreatment in terms of converted from hazardous waste to waste less dangerous or unsafe or in terms of scaled by special equipment to reduce the storage space in the production site or final disposal centers.

Green City company that owns a waste management license legal and technical expertise and management specialized according to the latest scientific methods and methods of matching local environmental standards in packaging operations and the transfer of hazardous waste from its production site or temporary storage to final disposal and at the lowest cost centers and roads.

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